Lynda Huey, world-renowned aquatic rehab educator, brings aquatic rehab to life online in a twelve-lesson course that teaches her basic exercises and techniques.

Lynda Huey, world-renowned aquatic rehab educator, brings aquatic rehab to life online in a twelve-lesson course that teaches her basic exercises and techniques.

Lynda Huey, world-renowned aquatic rehab educator, brings aquatic rehab to life online in a twelve-lesson course that teaches her basic exercises and techniques.

Established Author

Established Author

Established Author

Lynda Huey, author of the bestselling book The Complete Waterpower Workout Book, has been teaching her methods to thousands of coaches, therapists, athletes, and doctors around the world for over 30 years. 
As a trusted authority on water exercise and rehabilitation, her books on the subject are considered the foundation of aquatic therapy world-wide. Intensive training with Lynda was previously available only to practitioners in organized workshops, but now this course is available to you online!

Heal Your Hips Book
Heal Your Knees Book
Waterpower Workout Book

NOW Available Online

Start Achieving Your Goals Today

NOW Available Online

Start Achieving Your Goals Today

NOW Available Online

Start Achieving Your Goals Today

If you want to be a world-class aquatic therapist, learning Lynda’s basic exercises and techniques is a MUST.

Grasping the essential concepts that Lynda imparts will keep your schedule full of patients. Whatever the question, Lynda has a simple, straightforward answer that makes things fun and fulfilling while providing information and movements that are exactly what is needed. 

If you want to be a world-class aquatic therapist, learning Lynda’s basic exercises and techniques is a MUST.

Grasping the essential concepts that Lynda imparts will keep your schedule full of patients. Whatever the question, Lynda has a simple, straightforward answer that makes things fun and fulfilling while providing information and movements that are exactly what is needed. 

Never feel at a loss again when a patient presents a new condition to you! 

Lynda has seen it all and has already figured it out.  Why re-invent the wheel when Lynda has the answers you’ve been seeking?

Respected by orthopedic surgeons…

“In the three decades I’ve been an orthopedic surgeon, there’s been only one pool program that I’ve recommended for my patients to try in order to prevent or postpone surgery, and that is Lynda Huey’s pool program.  If patients eventually do need surgery, I have them prehab with her to get strong before surgery, then use her effective post-operative rehab program.
The physical  benefits don’t come just from the water and its buoyancy and its mysterious effects on balance and proprioception, but they also depend on the quality of the water program itself.
If I were going to learn an aquatic rehab program, I would want to learn Lynda’s!
Lynda’s success comes from her passion for the advanced techniques she creates and the sixth sense she has developed over three decades of learning from each and every patient.”
Robert Klapper, M.D.

Chief of Orthopedic Surgery

Cedars-Sinai Medical Group

Los Angeles, CA

In Lynda Huey’s 12-lesson Aquatic Rehab Online Course, you will discover:

  • How to identify faulty hip movement in one simple test.

  • The best way help patients retain fitness without any impact whatsoever.

  • A moving stretch that lets those with a torn meniscus regain full knee range of motion.

  • The sure-fire manual technique for teaching correct leg action on deep-water running.

  • Four Power Kicks to increase strength and four Speed Kicks to enhance speed.

  • A distraction technique for lower body and lumbar spine conditions.

  • The progression from easiest to hardest exercises in each of the exercise categories.

  • A hamstring stretch variation for runners and one for yoga enthusiasts.

  • How to teach shallow-water running and conduct interval training for athletes.

  • The ultimate core exercise using resistance bells.

  • A moving stretch that addresses the low back, hips, knees, ankles, feet, and big toe.

  • Movement precautions for the newest hip diagnosis, femoroacetabular impingement.

  • A plyometric program that helps fight osteoporosis.

Here’s what people have to say about learning aquatic rehab from Lynda

Katey Eisenstein
“The course was very detailed and is suitable for all levels of knowledge. It is appropriate for those with no knowledge of aquatic therapy but can also provide new knowledge to those with experience in aquatic therapy.”
Katey Eisenstein, DPT
Physical therapist
Los Angeles, CA

Lindsay Fujinaka
“The aquatic program can be utilized for all levels ranging from orthopedic, neurological, and for athletes at any level. Following my completion of the aquatic rehab program, I am confident in my ability to treat all types of patients with this alternative program geared at reducing pain while building strength and function. The program is well balanced with clear instructions and concise messaging.”
Lindsay Graham, DPT
Physical therapist
Palo Alto, CA

Jessica Bufete
“When I started doing pool therapy, I had no prior aquatic rehab experience. Lynda Huey taught me her aquatic rehab program including exercises for all ability levels, injuries, and stages of rehab. She is particularly good at teaching effective cuing for correcting common mistakes and achieving proper form, offering modifications for exercises that might be painful or too difficult, and safe progressions. As a physical therapist I have used Lynda Huey’s program effectively in treating hundreds of patients with a variety of diagnoses. I would encourage anyone to give aquatic rehabilitation a try and to trust in the success of Lynda’s program.”
Jessica Bufete, DPT
Physical therapist
Los Angeles, CA

Grant Uyemura
“I think this was a great course with lots of great material and videos that shows us exactly how things are done.”
Grant Uyemura, DPT
Physical therapist
Los Angeles, CA

Study with one of America’s aquatic rehab pioneers

  • Taught by Lynda Huey, M.S., author of six books on aquatics:
    • The Waterpower Workout (New York: New American Library, 1986)
    • The Complete Waterpower Workout with Robert Forster, PT (New York: Random House, 1993)
    • Heal Your Hips: How to Prevent Hip Surgery – and What to Do If You Need It with orthopedic surgeon Robert Klapper, M.D. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999)
    • Heal Your Knees: How to Prevent Knee Surgery & What to Do If You Need It with orthopedic surgeon Robert Klapper, M.D. (New York: M. Evans, 2004)
    • Heal Your Hips Second Edition with orthopedic surgeon Robert Klapper, M.D. (Nashville: Turner Publishing, 2015)
    • Aquatic Rehab Online Course (AROC) Textbook, 300-page printable textbook with over 100 exercises and techniques, 200 color photos of exercises, and 10 professionally shot videos.
  • For the past three decades, Lynda Huey has taught her methods to thousands of doctors, physical therapists, coaches, and athletes in the United States, Australia, Italy and Brazil.
    • Gave the Keynote address at Brazil’s annual Aquatic Physiotherapy Symposium,” 2014.
    • Trained UCLA’s new aquatic therapists as they launched their first aquatic therapy program, 2014.
    • Trained the head physical therapist from Kuwait Oil Company’s largest hospital during a 10-week program in Los Angeles, 2010.
    • Offered trainings to physical therapy clinics in Florida, 1996.
    • Introduced aquatic rehab to Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane, Australia during conferences in 1996 and 1990.
    • Taught Italy’s first aquatic therapy symposium in 1994 along with orthopedic surgeon Bert Mandelbaum, M.D., head physician for the men’s World Cup Soccer team.
    • UCLA Track and Field Team aquatic rehab coach, 1987-89.

Learning objectives

Graduates of this course will be able to:

  • Perform over 100 aquatic therapeutic exercises correctly.
  • Know the most common mistakes made by patients doing each exercise and how to correct them.
  • Describe the benefits of water to their patients and answer questions about varying depths of water as it relates to weight bearing.
  • Apply the progression principles for each category of exercise to a low-level, moderate-level, or high-level patient.
  • Choose the correct exercises for each patient who returns to the pool either feeling good or flared up.
  • Demonstrate confidence when facing common orthopedic conditions.
  • Detail the key ingredients of an ideal therapy pool program.
  • Discuss with patients the value of stretching in water versus on land.
  • Understand the basic movement restrictions after femoroacetabular impingement surgery. Be able to construct a protocol within those limitations.
  • Evaluate Dr. Klapper’s contention that a meniscus tear can heal in the pool; assess the key exercises.
  • Offer home pool therapy sessions to patients who desire them; quickly  assess the home pool and know what equipment to use.

Learning is easy in this course….

Because this course offers dozens of beautiful pool photos and 10 professionally-shot videos, participants will easily be able to learn the material and put it to practical use immediately.

Additionally, there is a high degree of interactivity with Lynda through homework assignments, and questions & answers.

Study at your own pace – study when and where you want.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Aquatic Rehab
Aquatic Rehab
Aquatic Rehab
Aquatic Rehab
Aquatic Rehab
Aquatic Rehab

Create a Textbook of basic aquatic rehab principles in 12 Lessons.

We will send you links to download the cover and each lesson as you proceed. To make these materials personal to your learning experience, fill your binder with class notes, observations, and reminders of key moments when you gained insight. Your own notes will remind you of the things you considered most important and you’ll be able to see them at a glance.

The course focuses on learning approximately 100 exercises and techniques plus the fundamental principles on how to choose the correct exercises and progressing people at the appropriate pace.

Each of the lessons looks in-depth at a category of exercises that make up Lynda Huey’s aquatic rehab program.  They are:

  • Deep-Water Intervals
  • Stretches
  • Deep-Water Exercises
  • Kicking Series
  • Impact Exercises and Shallow-Water Running
  • Lower Body Exercises
  • Upper Body Exercises
  • Cervical Range of Motion and Traction
  • Lower Extremity and Lumbar Distraction
  • Advanced Exercises and Sports

Besides the ten lessons that offer video of Lynda teaching an in-service on that topic to her staff, there are two lessons without full-length videos:

  • Introduction
  • Tips and Progression Principles

Here’s what’s included in your registration for Lynda Huey’s Aquatic Rehab Course:

  • 12 lessons that cover the basic exercises and concepts within Lynda Huey’s aquatic rehab program.
  • BONUS of six advanced special exercises and techniques explained both in the text of the lesson and on video.
  • Streaming and downloadable video files of each lesson.
  • PDFs of the text of each lesson to download, print, and put into your binder.
  • PDF cover for the binder to download and print.
  • Direct access to a members-only interactive site where Lynda will answer your questions directly.
  • Homework to help you learn to think with the new material and apply it to your patients of all levels.
  • One free aquatic rehab session in Lynda’s pool if you visit Los Angeles. Time to be scheduled in advance.
  • Certificate of Completion. 
  • 1.6 CEUs from the California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA).
  • 12 CEUs from the Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute (ATRI).
  • 12 CECs from the Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA).
  • Lifetime Access.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no fixed timeline for the course. You can sign up whenever you want, read the text, watch the videos and ask Lynda questions and get answers on your own time. You can finish the homework whenever it fits into your schedule. We have made this course as flexible as possible because there are students from all over the globe, and there’s really not a one-size-fits-all structure.

Yes, absolutely! Lynda quicky responds to any emails you send her.

If you try the course and it’s not right for you, just let us know within 90 days of your enrollment and you’ll receive a full refund.

As mentioned above, you can go through the course at your own pace. At the end of the text for each lesson you will find seven homework questions. We recommend that you view the video (Lessons 2-11) before answering the questions in your own words. Once submitted Lynda will review your answers and return them to you with her comments. She may offer suggestions for additional reading.

A computer and an internet connection. You will be either streaming or downloading the videos, so we’ve found it to be most efficient if you have access to a solid high-bandwidth connection.  You can still take the course if you don’t have that yourself, but it may mean going someplace with a faster connection to download, then watching the video later at home. We can help you solve this if you ask for our assistance.

There are no prerequisites for this course.


Enrollment Never Expires

$499 USD


Satisfaction Guaranteed
Don’t worry if you’re still not sure.  If you try the course and it’s not right for you, just let us know within 90 days of your enrollment and you’ll receive a full refund.

Here’s an alternative if you’d rather choose monthly installments:

Enrollment Never Expires

3 Monthly Installments of $166 USD